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--- All Categories ---
8 Types of Service Dogs and What They Do in Employment Settings - CEUS: 1.5
A Higher Education Guide to Accommodations and Supports for Students that are Neurodivergent - CEUs: 1.0
Accessibility Options for Vision Impairment in Windows 10 - CEUs 1.0
Accessing Social Services in Times of Need - CEUS: 1.5
Accommodating Deaf and Hard of hearing Employees in Virtual Meetings - CEUs: 1.5
Adapting Workplace Environments to Successfully Navigate Multigenerational Teams - CEUS: 1.5
Addressing the Recovery Support Needs of Persons with IDD - CEUs: 1.5
Administrative Fees
An Introduction to Trauma for Rehabilitation Professionals - CEUs 1.0
Applying for Social Security Benefits - CEUs: 1.5
Autism Course for VRCs
Autism Endorsement
Basic Overview of Social Security - CEUs 2.0
Blind Premium Endorsement
Building Confidence and Resilience in the Workplace - CEUS: 1.5
Building Essential Workplace Skills: Tips for Professional Development - CEUs: 1.5
Building Ethical Business Relationships with Employers - 1.5
Center for Play Therapy
Collaboration in the Workplace - CEUs: 1.5
Competitive Integrated Employment for People with IDD - CEUs: 1.0
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace - CEUs 1.5
Contact Us
Continuing Education - Ethics
Continuing Education - General
Continuing up the Career Ladder - CEUs 1.5
Coping with Workplace Stress Pt. 1 - CEUs 1.5
Coping with Workplace Stress Pt. 2 - CEUs: 1.5
Cracking the Code, Unlocking Interview Success - CEUS: 1.5
Credentials and Endorsements
Dept. Multidisciplinary Innovation: Project-Based Learning Symposium
Developing Relationships With Customers Diagnosed With Autisms - 3.0
Dress for Success in Virtual & In-Person Work Environments - CEUs 1.5
Dual Relationships and Multiple Customers: Ethical Considerations - CEUs: 1.0
Effective Communication in the Workplace - CEUs: 1.0
Effective Workplace Communication - CEUS: 1.5
Emergency Preparedness - CEUs 1.0
Employment After Incarceration/Fair Chance Hiring - CEUs: 1.5
Employment Services with Justice Involved Individuals - CEUS: 0.5
Energy Renaissance: Exhibitors/Sponsors
Ethical Considerations in Pre-ETS for Youth with Disabilities - CEUS: 1.5
Ethically Speaking: Multilingual Accessibility - CEUS 1.0
Ethics in Competitive Integrated Employment for People with IDD - CEUs 1.0
Ethics of Disclosure: To Disclose or Not Disclose - CEUs: 1.5
Ethics of Person-Centered Thinking - CEUs: 2.0
Feedback Training: The Art of Giving & Receiving Feedback - CEUs 1.0
Fri. May 16 | 1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Sessions
Fri. May 16 | 10:35 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. Sessions
Fri. May 16 | 9:25 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. Sessions
How to Build Professional Relationships with Employers - CEUs: 2.0
How to Use a Decision-Making Model for Ethical Dilemmas - CEUs: 2.0
In-Depth Interviewing - CEUs 3.0
Introduction to Employment Portfolios - CEUs 1.5
Job Development/Portfolio Building - CEUs 1.0
Job Placement
Job Skills Training
Job Skills Training: Natural & Ongoing Supports - CEUs 1.0
JST for WISE Staff
Juvenile Justice: Overcoming Challenges with Opportunities Part 1 - CEUS: 1
Juvenile Justice: Overcoming Challenges with Opportunities Part 2 - CEUS: 1
Meaningful Work for Individuals with Disabilities - CEUs: 1.0
Money Management for Consumers and Providers - CEUs: 1.0
Motivational Enhancement Strategies - CEUs: 1.5
Moving From Sheltered Workshops to CIE Panel - CEUs: 2.0
My Journey: The Importance of Advocacy - CEUs: 1.0
NAPAC 2025: Exhibitors & Sponsors
Navigating the Job Search - CEUs 1.0
North American Petroleum Accounting (NAPAC) Conference
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Owning Your Success - CEUS: 1.5
Overview of Autism Spectrum - CEUs: 1.0
PDX General
Permission Only
Power Through Connection and Networking - CEUs: 1.0
Power Through Focus and Communication - CEUs 1.0
Power Through Goal Setting and Time Management - CEUs: 1.0
Power Through Mindset and Courage - CEUs: 1.0
Public Fund Investment Act (PFIA)
Q & A Expert Panel - Experiences in Job Coaching & Job Development - CEUs 1.0
Q & A Expert Panel: Working with Transition Youth - Aracely Fuentes - CEUs: 1.0
Quality Customer Service in the Workplace - CEUs: 1.0
Resume Writing - CEUs: 1.0
Resume Writing for Adults New to the Workforce - CEUs 1.5
Resume Writing for Adults Returning to the Workforce - CEUs 1.5
Ride the Wave: Strategies for Navigating Change in the Workplace - CEUs: 1.5
Self Care for Rehabilitation & Helping Professionals - CEUs: 1.5
Self-Advocacy in the Workplace: Empowering Individuals with Disabilities - CEUs: 1.5
Self-Advocacy within the College Academic Environment - CEUS: 0.5
Sensory Disabilities and Technology - CEUs: 0.5
Serving Youth with Disabilities: Ethical Practices - CEUs 2.0
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Benefits and Related Work Incentives - CEUs 1.0
Special JST Offerings
Sports Innovation Space @ UNT
Successfully Managing Change in the Workplace - CEUs 1.5
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE) - CEUs 1.5
Supported Employment
Supporting Adults with Disabilities by Enhancing Social Communication Skills - CEUs 1.0
Thurs. May 15 | 1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Sessions
Thurs. May 15 | 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Sessions
Thurs. May 15 | 2:55 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Sessions
Thurs. May 15 | 9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. Sessions
Turning 18: The Person Centered Approach - CEUS: 2
Understanding ADA and 504 - CEUs: 3.0
Understanding Childhood Trauma, Maltreatment & Complex PTSD - CEUs: 1.5
Understanding Civic Responsibilities while Transitioning from Youth to Adulthood - CEUs 1.5
Unleashing Potential: Using Strengths to Build Capacity - CEUs: 1.5
Unlocking Opportunities: Empowering Lives through Employment Services for Individuals with Justice Involvement - CEUs 1.5
Unpacking Identity: How Disability Shapes Self-Perception and Growth - CEUS: 2
Walkway Safety Certification
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Work Readiness
---All Instructors---
Aguilar, Elizabeth
Corn, Drew
Friess, Erin
Hapken, Gary
Hart, Michael
Hoffman, James
Huff, Brittney
Jefferson, Harlan
Loucks, Dave
Moore, J Richard
Springer, Chuck
Course Price
All Prices
0 - $250
$250 - $500
$500 - $750
$500 - $1000
$1000 - $5000
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