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Welcome to UNT Professional Learning > UNT WISE > Continuing Education - General > Unlocking Opportunities: Empowering Lives through Employment Services for Individuals with Justice Involvement - CEUs 1.5

Unlocking Opportunities: Empowering Lives through Employment Services for Individuals with Justice Involvement - CEUs 1.5   

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Employment support for persons with challenging backgrounds can be a challenge within itself.  This webinar will provide participants with different perspectives on how to assist individuals who have been involved in the justice system with obtaining employment. Using tools that encourage a strength-based approach and person-centered planning can greatly increase consumers’ potential for employment.  The conversation will include ways that mental health professionals can tailor their job development efforts with consumers and employers when job searching for consumers that has been involved in the criminal justice system. Participants will also hear about bonding and record expungements. 


Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Write strength-based explanation letters for employer’s review.
  2. Seek out employers who hire individuals who are justice involved
  3. Tailor job development presentation when job searching for or with consumers with challenging backgrounds.

About the presenter:

Ms. McNeal is the statewide Evidence-Based Practice in Supported Employment (EBPSE) Consultant and Trainer for the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Evidence-Based Practice Center. Ms. McNeal's Supported Employment career began in 1998 as an Employment Specialist in Atlanta, GA, and in 2000 she became the coordinator for a supported employment program in New Carrollton, MD. Her role as the statewide trainer began in 2004. Ms. McNeal trains, provides technical assistance and monitors Supported Employment Programs in Maryland for how to implement EBPSE, and she provides training and technical assistance to other states around the country that are moving forward with their supported employment efforts. Ms. McNeal also consulted and provided technical assistance to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in Baltimore and West Virginia, to increase the job development skills of the Homeless Veterans Supported Employment Program (HVSEP) Employment Specialists.


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