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Welcome to UNT Professional Learning > UNT WISE > Continuing Education - General > Sensory Disabilities and Technology - Part 1 - CEUs: 0.5

Sensory Disabilities and Technology - Part 1 - CEUs: 0.5   

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Discuss practical insights with our webinar panel on navigating Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) for individuals with sensory disabilities. From employer and employee viewpoints to the role of employment specialists, we'll discuss real-world strategies for fostering inclusivity in the workplace. This session provides a straightforward and informative discussion, offering actionable steps for creating a conducive environment for everyone to thrive.


Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand when O & M training may be appropriate. 
  2. The importance of having an open mind when it comes to what people with sensory disabilities are able to achieve in a work setting
  3. The importance of allowing people with sensory disabilities to learn and experience their environment. 
  4. Understand the importance of discovering the strengths, talents, and how a person with a sensory disability can complete tasks. 

About the presenters:

Rachel Rounds, M.S., CRC manages the business connections program at VCUs Rehab Research and Training Center.  

Mike Fish is an accessibility consultant,  a teacher of blind students in technology, and a user of Assistive Technology. 

Greg Chittam. Is a Blind Rehabilitation Specialist (Orientation and Mobility) with the Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center and formerly with the Virginia Rehab Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Richmond. He is experienced in O & M training and coordinating community engagement (planning and coordinating special events, virtual events, employment-related events, and youth summer programs.)


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