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Emergency Preparedness - CEUs 1.0   

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This webinar focuses on emergency planning for people with disabilities. A basic understanding of emergency planning and what this entails will be discussed, including statistics related to disability. The impact of disability and assistive aids in an emergency situation will also be discussed. Finally, will be highlighted are strategies for planning before and after an emergency. 


Upon completion of the course, attendees will:

  1. Understand the nature of emergency planning and preparedness 
  2. Consider the impact of disability when planning for emergencies 
  3. Discuss strategies for planning before and after an emergency 

About the presenter:

Brandi Darensbourg Levingston, Ph.D., CRC is the Associate Director at Virginia Commonwealth University Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity Office. Dr. Levingston received her doctoral degree in Special Education, with a concentration in Rehabilitation Counseling, from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008 and her master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in 2004.  She has extensive experience as an educator and service provider for individuals with disabilities. She previously was employed as a Principal Lecturer at the University of North Texas and the Program Director for the UNT ELEVAR Inclusive Post-Secondary Program for students with intellectual disabilities.  She also worked as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor with college students with disabilities for the state of Texas and  at the University of Texas at Austin in the Student Emergency Services Office. Dr. Levingston’s professional interests include: cultural competence, emergency preparedness of people with disabilities, psychosocial aspects of disability, students with disabilities in postsecondary education, and employment of persons with disabilities, specifically people with blindness or visual-impairments.   


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