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In-Depth Interviewing - CEUs 3.0   

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This is a 2-part series that breaks down the intricacies of the employment process. During this session, participants will embark on a top-down look  at  how to provide customers with: Thorough interview prep, leading to  a calm, confident presence in the interview itself, that in turn, will help the customer get in accord with decision makers and increase the likelihood that the customer receives a job offer.  


Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to teach customers how to:

  1. Prepare mentally and physically for the interview.
  2. Remain calm during the interview process.
  3. Practice alone or with a mentor to craft concise, confident responses to questions.
  4. Use LinkedIn and the internet to both get a sense of how disability-friendly the potential employer is and whether the company and role are a good fit for the customer. 
  5. Proactively follow up with a prospective employer and never wait for a phone call again. 

About the presenter:

Steve McEvoy is a former NYC 7-12 general and special education social studies teacher with an MA in education from Teachers College Columbia University. He has a passion for teaching young adults with disabilities the necessary skills to succeed in the workplace in the face of discrimination they will encounter. 

Due to living with cerebral palsy and a determination to close the disability employment gap since 2012, Steve has been working as a Disability Employment Specialist. His work encompasses three areas:  

  1. Teach companies how/why hiring and marketing to people with disabilities increases profits and brand presence. In 2016, Steve co-presented on the topic at Googles NYC headquarters. The presentation was simulcast to every Google office worldwide. 
  2. Write about subjects related to disability and employment. 
  3. Help people with and without disabilities reach their employment goals.

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