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Welcome to UNT Professional Learning > UNT WISE > Continuing Education - General > Understanding ADA and 504 - CEUs: 3.0

Understanding ADA and 504 - CEUs: 3.0   

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Participants will be given a bottom-up examination of the two major disability laws in the US, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act (Section 504). A basic understanding of each law is essential for TVR counselors to help customers become employed.


Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Define why 504 was passed and that it pertains to organizations that receive Federal funding.
  2. Define why the ADA was passed and that it pertains to private businesses.
  3. Understand that a customer must be able to self-disclose their disability to receive services under both laws.
  4. Teach customers how to self-disclose in a professional manner

About the presenter:

Steve McEvoy is a former NYC 7-12 general and special education social studies teacher with an MA in education from Teachers College Columbia University. He has a passion for teaching young adults with disabilities the necessary skills to succeed in the workplace in the face of discrimination they will encounter. Due to living with cerebral palsy and a determination to close the disability employment gap since 2012, Steve has been working as a Disability Employment Specialist. His work encompasses three areas:

  1. Teaching companies how/why hiring and marketing to people with disabilities increases profits. In 2016, Steve co-presented on the topic at Googles NYC headquarters. The presentation was simulcast to every Google office worldwide.
  2. Writing about subjects related to disability and employment.
  3. Helping people with and without disabilities reach their employment goals

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